Friday, August 7, 2009


My laptop is still not fixed. Seriously. The whole point of sending to "professionals" was to have things taken care of in a more timely fashion than what I'm capable of on my own. Unfortunately they didn't work on it all week. Hopefully one more week and things will be taken care of...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August in the Big Apple

I just went up to New York, again, to help my sister pack for her move back down to VA. She works the craziest hours...even on her last day she was in the office until 11 PM, and that was with me packing up and cleaning for her. And to think she's going to do that for a living...
Dinner was nice, though. We went to this French restaurant called La Granouille. The food was phenomenal and the service was amazing. And because of the economy they had a fixed price dinner menu, which was great for my grad school budget (although as I've learned this summer traveling is not necessarily stipend-friendly). All in all it was a good trip. I'd write more but my laptop is still in the shop.