Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3 Things

Today R said he only grinds 3 things, and that he's sad that all of them are dead. The only one he listed, though, was teeth...normal people would assume items 2 and 3 are coffee and spices, but I think they're probably dead people. I'm thinking he's like Tom Petty in the video for "Mary Jane's Last Dance." That video used to creep me out when I was a kid, and, coincidentally, my nickname for R is "creepy". If my life were a movie that would be foreshadowing (not premeditation...that involves crimes being committed).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dashboard Confessional

All I really want is someone to ride around with me and make my stupid dashboard videos set to random songs...

Monday, March 1, 2010

reality bites (part 2)

i cant think of that movie without thinking of these two songs. the movie is filled with tons of fun 90s music, but these two are the ones that always stick with me...

reality bites

Tonight I watched an old favorite. Here are a couple of my favorite quotes:

L: are you religious?
M: i guess i'm a non practicing jew.
L: oh i'm a non practicing virgin.

M: do you ever have those moments in life where everything is ok, just for one moment everything is great?
L: not since i graduated but yeah when you catch yourself and you're like wait i'm happy
and then its gone.
M: i know i've had a couple of those but then its gone.
L: like right now is one.

T: he's the reason why cliff notes were invented.

T: its all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. so i take pleasure in the details, a quarter pounder with cheese, those are good. the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain. the moment wher eyour laughter becomes a cackle. and i sit back and smoke my camel straights and...?

L: i'm not going to work at the gap for chrissakes.

T: you see lainy this is all we need a couple smokes a cup of coffee and a little conversation. you and me and five bucks.

L: i can't evolve right now.

V: i dont want to get married bc i see how my parents are.
i want first kisses; i want passion the whole way through.

V: he's weird, he's strange hes sloppy hes a total nightmare for women i cant believe i haven't slept with him yet.

L: i've seen you! you're out the door before the condom comes off!