Friday, April 27, 2012

5 Ways Men Are Trained To Hate Women

Recently, one of my facebook friends posted a link to this article:

Oddly enough, it makes a lot of sense. I say that because when I started reading the article I had really low expectations. It is actually really well written, though, and it's by a male author! Go figure. Anyhoo, it's definitely worth a read. I'm curious to know what others think about it, but my pending defense has made me moderately apathetic towards everything not immediately related to my research.


Clearly I'm not going to ever be consistent about blogging. It is fun to do from time to time, though. I don't actually have much to say in terms of an update other than I MIGHT BE GRADUATING!!!?!!! (*might* being the keyword there.)

I've come to accept that in graduate school nothing is ever certain. I will say, however, that I have submitted my dissertation to my committee, and my defense is pending in the sense that there are less days between me and my defense than there are fingers on my left hand. Or right hand, for that matter. Really just any hand. (By the way, I have "normal" hands, by which I mean at this point in time I have the classic 10 finger arrangement.)

That's kind of what my left hand looks like, only its not horribly misshapen, and the red splotches are nail polish remnants, not blood.

So if I manage to pull this off, will I need to start a new blog? And if so, when will that one end? I don't know...maybe I'll just update my tagline and call it dealt with. Or maybe I won't graduate and all the thought I'm giving this blog title situation will be for nothing. I guess we'll have to see.